Saturday, April 16, 2011

Special Post for my worst commenter I will call him Simon

‎Special note to the person who has commented about my hobby being burden to the tax payers, for your information all the industrial estate photographs were taken on a Saturday (26 ‎February ‎2011)

Not a good day for job hunting in an industrial estate, especially when most of the units are empty and I have never worked in engineering.

Very few of our small shops employ anyone in Oakham other than the owner or family members. They have all received my CV twice over the last year paid for by the tax payer.

I can understand they don't employ due to costs, but it is not good when you have to close you business like Pomegranate did this week when something happens and you have no staff. 

I can not understand why you feel you have a right to tell me how I should conduct my life. I purchased my camera when I was employed and it cost nothing to run being digital. Maybe I should start taking and selling drugs like the young man up our road who has never worked, gets his house furnished for free every time he trashes it and has his hand held by local support workers because he cant cope.

Should I pop to Tesco and buy value cider and join the other unemployed in the grounds of the lodge?

Could you not pop into the library and pick on another unemployed Oakham Resident, Speaking to the librarian today she tells me the library becoming more a advice centre for the unemployed.

If you really work in security could you not advise Rutland County Council how to protect their roof that would be a good turn for the tax payer.

I have created this post especially for you to communicate with me, as you seem so keen to do so. You are spoiling my other posts and people don't like your four letter words. So I have decided to spam any future comments you make on other posts.

From Martin xxxx 

PS CAB is not the next victim I am entitled to my view, they should pander to the Tory Elite at Rutland County Council Why can't a Councillor by there own lunch. If I do go would you like the lunch you paid for it CAB is funded by you.