Friday, April 22, 2011

Tresham Institute Land, Barleythorpe Road, Oakham, Rutland

Tresham Institute owns this very nice piece of land along Barleythorpe Road. It will soon be selling it to a developer. It seems such a pity. The Land is used by local residents for recreation.

The Tresham Institute has recently erected new legal notice permitting access something the public has done for many years.

I am hoping Oakham Town Council will support the protection of this open green space, we all live in a lovely town, but it lacks open public spaces.

I am hoping Oakham Town Council along with residents will help buy this land and return it to the town. I noticed it contains a memorial tree.

I think Councillor Charles Haworth has been walking his dogs here for more than 40 years so maybe as its his ward along with Councillor Lucas they can work on something too save this land from developers.