Friday, May 27, 2011

Appeal Hearing Jeakins Weir v Rutland County Council Final Day

Today was the last day of the hearing by the Inspector Mary O'Rourke BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI, the hearing has been adjourned, no decision will be made for sometime as to whether the land to the west of Uppingham Road will be built on by Jeakins Weir.

The public made a special effort to trek all the way to Barleythorpe to show their objections today. I believe if the venue had been in town a lot more people would have attended.

Oakham Action spoke this morning with passion to protect the remainder of Oakham's Countryside, some like myself were subjected to the privilege of cross examination from Jeakin Weir ‘s QC Mr Jerry Cahill, quite an expert and well known at the court of appeal. I came way from the table rather relieved and told some residents I was dreading being cross examined by Mr Cahill only realising rather a little late I was saying this in the presence of his good wife.

Finishing of questioning Mr Taylor owner of Cavells, Mr Cahill said he will be pleased to be leaving Oakham, as his wife had enjoyed many shop trips to his outlet this week. He also told the hearing the last time he had visited Oakham was 40 years ago playing rugby against Oakham School. I did not ask Mrs Cahill if she was wearing the purchases today, she did look rather pretty.

I did not know what to expect when I attended my first public enquiry.

I found the inspector was very accommodating and responded well to the public's needs and appeared to conduct a lengthy and fair hearing.

There will be a one day final hearing on Monday 11th July at the Council Offices 11.00am