Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Inspector Monks and his love affair with Rutland County Council?

Simon Eyley
D/Sgt 525
Leicestershire Constabulary
Professional Standards Department
Police HQ
St Johns
LE19 2BX 

Dear Mr. Eyley,

Today I received two letters one was post mark South Midlands, not the usual Leicester post mark. I wonder if you can use your detective skills to find out who from the police or Rutland County Council was visiting this area of the country over Easter the date mark is 30th April.

One letter contained a print of a colour poster currently displayed around the Greetham Ward. The other contained a letter and a copy of the older black and white poster.

The black and white poster is very significant, I had delivered one to Oakham Police Station and another copy to Rutland County Council.
I marked both copies, no one else received a marked copy, so this is very damming. I received a photocopy of this marked poster today. I have now pointed this out to both the police and council. The original letters have been untouched and are currently at Oakham police station awaiting S. Fosters attention.

I am very concerned that this implicates either Leicester Constabulary or Rutland County Council or both in the long ongoing hate  campaign.The stationary used matches that used in the past to send me some very nasty and vile letters over the last two years. As S Foster pointed out none of these have ever been crimed?

I am sending this email to the electoral commission because I believe either organisation has effected the possible outcome of the election by producing these posters.

Last night I spoke to Conservative Roger Begy and he said he was not responsible for the posters and I did not know where he lived so how could I have photographed one outside his house. Rather a strange thing to say, when his address is in the public domain, for example the council website and the current electoral roll which I can refer too. I would say this was the reaction of a man who knows a lot more than he is willing to admit.

I spoke to the volunteer police man mentioned in the letter received today, he said he has not resigned from the council and he had only had this discussion with Inspector Monks during a meeting and via sms messages. Mr Pook at Rutland County Council was not aware of any resignation or proposed resignation. So I am questioning how did the letter writer know the content of this Special Constables private conversation.

I think it is time a very serious investigation is conducted into the relationship between Inspector Monks and senior people at Rutland County Council.

Yours sincerely

Martin Brookes

Text: of letter received

Mr Brookes

I hear your antics with the police have caused the volunteer police man to resign
from the council, so the hard working devoted to public service you trash their lives
to the point of destruction so you do get what you want by blogging and emailing
everyone, I hope you are truly satisfied.

I also hear you have only joined the town council to disrupt, shame on you many
of your fellow councillors will not work with you so you are nearly there then, to see
the spectacle you again created at public opportunity last wednesday, I will ask for a
copy of the cctv as I want to see what a fool you made of yourself as well

your oddball friend Helen Pender, is it true and if so why not blog this, that she was
dismissed from the prison service for gross misconduct, she had relationships with
the prisoner, she must like a bit of rough as well as hanging around and helping the
mentally challenged is that where you two met then when you were in prison.

still at least you will not have to worry about Dr Monks referring you in the future he
has cooked his goose

good luck in greetham, a true test of your worth I dare say may 5th