Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Deputy Mayor Charles Haworth of Oakham Town Council tells members we have a brothel in Deans Street that is advertising sex on the net.

Deputy Mayor Charles Haworth of Oakham Town Council tell members we have a brothel in Deans Street that advertising sex on the net.

Dear Oakham Town Council,

I would like to say I found Cllr Dewis comments and the subsequent motion approved by the council unacceptable.

The comment in my e-mail regarding a local surveyor was just that and not my opinion. Members of the public are entitled to their views and I am obliged to pass on those views. I chose not to include what the members of the public said because I no evidence to support there views. So bearing this in mind what is the issue?

It is good common practice both public and private to obtain at least 3 valuations when dealing with property sales.

I also would like to say, I was very shocked our Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles Haworth publicly stated the massage centre in Deans Street is a brothel. He went on to say they advertise sexual services on the internet. If this is not true it could be very damaging to the council and could expose the council to libel action. Fortunately we are insured of course the premium would increase, costing the tax payer even more money due to Cllr Haworth loose tongue.

If the Town Council thinks the business conducted in Dean Street is illegal why has it not taken any action to stop this?

What evidence does Cllr Haworth have to support his very public statement. Has he visited in his capacity as Deputy Mayor or another capacity?

At the meeting I proposed the Council distanced itself from these comments made by Cllr Dewis and the statements made by Cllr Haworth and this proposal was ignored.

I trust the Clerk will be minuting this portion of the meeting accurately, so it truly reflects what was said, in case the business owner seeks to take legal action against Oakham Town Council.

I have no evidence to support both Councillors views, I have passed comments placed on my blog to the police in the past and I am sure they would have acted if those comments were true.


Martin Brookes

Cllr. Martin Brookes
Oakham Town Council