Saturday, July 09, 2011

Councillors Questions Item 4 in accordance with standing order 8 Oakham Town Council

Dear Members

Councillors Questions Item 4 in accordance with standing order 8


1. Are you aware that at anytime on Friday a member of the public could have called in to the town council office and asked for copies of the Appendices for this Wednesday's meeting that and  is a legal requirement?
2. Can  the council give a good reason as to why I was refused these documents on Friday?

I suggest you can't and put it down to you petty and childish nature.

3. This is starting to look very much like a repeat of last years exclusion activities,  Is it?

As members will have seen from another e-mail copy, I have raised a Standards Complaint against Councillor Joyce Lucas for breaches of the local government act and breaches of our own standing orders regarding respect. It seems to me the power of being our Mayor has turned her into a mini dictator.
When a member of the public asks this council a question, I will not be told to shut up! There is no need for her aggressive dictatorial manner of cause supported by Cllr Dewis as per normal

I have also forwarded the complaint to NALC.

Cllr. Martin Brookes
Oakham Town Council