Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Oakham Town Council and Blogging

I received a comment my blog has lost its edge, I am not sure what they mean.

If the person means less is being posted about the council then yes, this has been a deliberate attempt to make my life a little easier.

That has not really worked.

The letters still arrive from a person connected to the council, these letters are still being investigated by the police at considerable cost to the tax payer.

The people involved seem to get pleasure if I publish details on my blog so I don't publish details.

The ultimate aim is to stop me blogging.

A visit to Oakham police station confirmed this yesterday, John at the front desk asked had I thought about "not blogging for a month and maybe they will go away"? After so long I don't think they will, they have a very sick and sadistic obsession.  Yesterday homophobic comments were posted once again and I was able to provide police with the original BT ip address and the current.  S. Foster said the police can't trace the user with that information. Not what BT has told me, I don't think I am wrong when I say they know who is responsible and are not willing to take action.

The police headquarters are still many months later investigating my three complaints made against Inspector Monks.

The Town Council has not changed much, any input I give is seen as trivial, only last week I brought up the suggestion the Clerk and Assistant could be trained in First Aid and the council might like to provide a location for a St John Ambulance defibrillator. As per the norm the cycle of emails were generated mostly negative and finishing with Cllr Dewis asking if we can deal with the bigger issues. Oakham Town Council don't deal with big issues and I could not see what was more important than peoples well being, so I left the suggestion the Town Council may like to solve the worlds financial situation. He might aswell say we are not interested in anything you say.

On Saturday our Mayor was on public walk about and a member of the public spat at her. This disgusted me and I told the person so. They said they only made the noise of spitting I wrote to Councillors to express my disgust. I received a reply from Cllr Adam Lowe who is also a Special Constable, I was surprised by his response:

I read your E-mail about the spitting, I was away this Saturday yet still heard from one of your 'close friends' that you were heard saying 'well done' to the spitter,

He then goes on to say I bully people via my blog? I only publish what people want to read, he wrote a lot more. He did say he looked forward to reading his entire e-mail on my blog.

My reply to Councillor Lowe was I have more interesting things to publish.

Sometimes I show people e-mails I receive from Oakham Town Councillors and the odd Rutland County Councillor and their response is are these people really councillors?

As it makes no difference to their behaviour I will soon be returning to blogging everything that comes up about the Town Council.

I expect the word deformation will be banded around more often. Only this weekend the Deputy Mayor Councillor Charles Haworth crawled out of bed to write me a email, telling me the e-mails I  send often in reply to Council matters are not council matters and they always contain deformation. I think this is a word he and others like to band around when some one dares to have a different opinion from theirs. All this from a man who says I am mental and will do all he can to remove me from the council chamber.

For those who read this and don't know anything about Oakham Town Council it is just a committee of people with a egotistic aims. A very expensive committee that is dedicated itself over the last two years in making sure I cant serve the public for exposing one of there members as a drunken nuisance, that person may have fooled them but they most certainly did not fool their employer.

Tonight we have 3 people who hope to be co-opted and another late applicant who will be seen next meeting. One of those says they want to serve and provide people with a council they deserve. The person who posts the homophobic comment say know one is interested in this council because of me. If I resign! they would be. Not true people see a whole bunch of childish people not just me.

At this evenings meeting we will be putting the applicants through the charade of an interview.

I like all the current members of Oakham Town Council were elected unopposed, meaning we have no public support. I won't be asking the applicants any questions. What right do we have to question anyone who wants to serve their community?

Our Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas wrote to us requesting we "dress smart she said standards were slipping no offence intended"

Before each meeting I clean my shoes and put on clean shirt and smart trousers. Tonight I won't bother. T-shirt and scruffy trousers and dirty shoes will do.

The Mayor is currently look into spending thousands of pounds on links for her chain, she constantly complains its to long,  her solution is get that done put in a cabinet and spend a few thousand pounds more on a new chain.

She is claims hundreds of pounds for fuel attending events out of town "putting her self about" were her words at a recent meeting. She also spent hundreds of pounds rearranging the the council chamber this included paying a contractor to come in and hang a few pictures.

She wrote to me and said she is £350 out of pocket so far does that mean she has spent her allowance already?