Friday, July 08, 2011

Oakham Town Council Spending Public Money

Dear Oakham Town Council


I am writing to express my concern about the attitude this council has towards public spending.

The Mayor Councillor Lucas writes to interested applicants who want to serve this town, the following Oakham Town Council is not effected by the current economic climate.

Yes she is correct, we demand a precept and Rutland County Council transfer the money and then collect this tax from the residents. Most members of this council seem to me to be quite well off, so they can afford this tax, but there are many families in Oakham who can't and object to this money being spent, on things we as a council might think would be nice for the town.

I suggest we look at our budget again and only collect money from the public that is  essential.

I noted we underspent by around £20,000 last year, this should be returned to the public. We should stop this attitude of we are doing good, because we are not.

We are a public service provider, we provide little service because that is all that is required of us.

I hope to see a large cut in next years precept, although it may not happen, because we may see fit to buy a few new benches because they look nice.

Moving to current expenses, can I ask has our Mayor lost her marbles? I went to collect the agenda appendices from the Clerk, He told me I could not collect it, because the Mayor had ordered him to post out all agendas. Reason members don't like me seeing it first. Sorry you say I am mad? I asked the clerk to photocopy just the agenda from the public notice board. So now I do have that part. of course photocoping costs money, I then watched as he put postage £1.10 on the large envelope addressed to me. He also did the same for the Mayor,  who visits the office each day. What a waste of public money and this really shows how childish and petty minded this council is.

I do hope the documents arrive via the post in time for me to read them before the meeting or would members prefer I saved them and read them at the meeting before each agenda item?

Do you really think the tax payer should accept your stupidity.

Cllr. Martin Brookes
Oakham Town Council

13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

To the readers,

I have a passion to be a Town Councillor to serve the public to the best of my ability. The current members seem determined as before to scupper this. Their friends insult me with homophobic comments say I am mad accuse me of selling myself to Oakham School teachers and worse.  If they want a fight they have got one.

I am mature  enough to forgive and forget, they are not. I nominated Cllr Lucas who in the past called me a Paedophile, for Mayor, I nominated Cllr Haworth for Deputy Mayor, a man who told me he would do all he could to see I did not return to the chamber because I was insane. I guess, I must me mad supporting these two considering how things are unfolding. I now personally think all the current members need to go and a full new council set up with members who have no connection to any current or past councillors or the council should be dissolved. The current members could grow up and stop their childish petty games.

Some of the older residents might be upset for my call to dissolve this council because of tradition, I say yes tradition is good, but look at the cost. Two members of the public gave the definition of OTC this week Oakham Town Cesspit, shocking! and know they don't blame me. Those who attack me need to take a step out of their little circle and look at the wider picture, there are people put there who watch and listen and  are not impressed.

I repeat here Cllr Alf Dewis is a Bully and the other who know who they are. When a person is bullied two things can happen either you shrink away or you grow stronger. I know which option I have taken.