Sunday, July 03, 2011

Ouse Valley Jazz Band, Oakham Bandstand, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, Photographs, Oakham Town Council

Today the rain stayed away for the third of Oakham Town Councils Bandstand Concerts.

The event was hosted by Cllr Alf Dewis.

The event was enjoyed by members of the public many were visitors to Oakham.

The Mayor wearing her chain passed through on her way to another engagement and afforded her respect to a former Mayor and Councillor!

To see the ex Councillor our Mayor greeted please click here

I think the oddest part of today's event was the two young men standing on the castle wall shouting obscenities followed by them smashing beer bottles in Church Street. At the same time the Castle was hosting an event for the Knights School, rewarding young people of the same age for good behaviour.

Councillor Alf Dewis took a break from hosting the event to study the more serious issues of the day and not noticing the build up of illegally parked cars.

Ouse Valley Jazz Band, Oakham Bandstand, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, Oakham Town Council