Monday, July 04, 2011

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting Co-option

Oakham Town Council will be holding an extra meeting this week.

To consider co-opting new members.

The Town Council needs to fill six vacant seats.

The Town Council has failed to attract any significant interest from the public.

Two applicants have come forward.

Mrs Woodcock and Mr Hopkin

The Extra Meeting of the Town Council will be held, Wednesday 6th July 2011 at 6.00pm
at the offices of Oakham Town Council, Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham


1. Apologies - Standing Order 1 (u)

(i) To receive apologies for absence
(ii) To decide whether to approve absences

2. Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda

3. Deputations by the public

Members of the public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with procedures laid
down in Standing Orders 1(d) -1(i)

4. Adjournment of meeting

The meeting will be adjourned to allow for private discussion with applicants for co-option onto the council,

5. Re-convening of Meeting
The meeting will be re-convened

6. Co-option
To co-opt new members onto the Council