Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Four Rutland County Councillors, Led by Cllr Richard Gale complain to Police about Planning Corruption and Fraud at the council.

Four Rutland County Councillors, Led by Cllr Richard Gale complain to Police about Planning Corruption and Fraud at the council.

This won't come as a surprise to many, planning was once publicly described by the leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy as one of his worse responsibilities.

Cllr Gale said four members have approached the police to report possible fraud and corruption running into millions of pounds at Rutland County Council.

Last week a member of the public told me a story along the same lines. I approached Rutland County Council who said they were unaware of any investigation. 

The planning department has for a long time been the worst performing department at Rutland County Council.

Last night this was very visible as members were given information relating to appeals, some were surprised to see a member of the public had gone to appeal for non determination for applications relating to basic tree works.  A planning officer said this was due to the case officers work load. Appeals cost the tax payer a huge amount of money, I would suggest a lot more than employing members of staff to carry out the original work.

I think this sums up the mess created at Rutland County Council by the Chief Executive Helen Briggs and the Conservative Team, led by Roger Begy and Terry King.

I myself have this month written to the council twice about town council work and have receive no reply. I don't blame the staff, I blame those named above and their savage cuts and contracting most departments out to other Councils.