Friday, August 19, 2011

Oakham Town Council Accounts

I recently posted a blog about the Town Council Accounts and emailed a copy to various people. In this blog I wrote about the Clerks comment about the accounts before his time describing them as a mess. I suggested the previous Clerk Richard Adam would not be to happy to hear his comment.

This has prompted our Chairman to suck up to Richard Adams, I have no problem with this former Clerk
but I wonder why it is he held in such high regard by the Town Council to the extent no one is never to mention his name? 

Our Chairman Cllr Joyce Lucas sent out a e-mail in response to my email, to all recipients stating Richard Adams was not the Clerk before the current Richard White why?

It is clear to all to see from the official board he was the clerk before Richard White.

She  has gone on to repeatedly say I am mistaken. So before she pays the workman to remove the board I have photographed it! I am sure that it reads Richards Adams before Richard White.

Cllr Lucas has suggested I make an appointment with her to discuss privately this matter with her, possibly to explain a small cover up relating to the Council financial affairs 2003 -2004?

I have declined the offer, I would rather not meet with some one who tells me to shut my mouth at meetings and then later rather than apologise, says I will say the same again and then removes her hearing aids to ignore me.

As the speakers wife said last night I say stuff the establishment, Lets have a town council that is run effectively for the benefit of the town or get rid of it. I am hoping the new members will help achieve an effective and efficient town council

One that does not think its all-right to spend £50 to knock a picture hook into a wall!

From: lucashackgreen@aol.com

Can I point out to ALL members and Officers. That Richard White did not take over from Richard Adams.
There was another clerk before Richard White.
If anyone wants details please ask.