Friday, August 19, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Chairman's Expenses

Oakham Town Council, Chairman's Expenses
At last another Oakham Town Councillor is willing to stand up to the old guard at Oakham Town Council.

This evening they sent the following e-mail to the Chairman Councillor Joyce Lucas.
Who is flippant to any request I make, including the serious allegation the Town Clerk made at the last meeting when he said past chairman's had not accounted for their expenses.
Past Chairman were handed a tax free cheque.

The councillor who wrote this email has asked me not to blog it so I have removed their name.


Where as this comes as no surprise I think that Martin has raised an issue that deserves a definitive, concise and clear statement of fact about what has occurred in the past, any action or subsequent action or change in our standing orders and a reassurance that the Oakham Town Council are conducting themselves in an appropriate manner, historically and now.

This matter does not need flippancy it needs resolving once and for all.

Can I be so bold as to ask Martin to refrain from blogging this e-mail please until at least he has been give such re-assurance that there is nothing amiss.

Richard is best placed to prepare this information and may I please ask the rest of the Council to support me in the request in an attempt to draw a line under the matter.

