Thursday, September 01, 2011

Reading this reminded me of Helen Briggs and Geoff Pook at Rutland County Council

Legal boss working for fatcat council chief Andrea Hill sent her suicide note citing 'demands placed on him'

A senior council officer who killed himself due to pressures at work left a  suicide note addressed to his controversial boss, an inquest heard yesterday.
David White, 51, hanged  himself in woodland after becoming depressed about his increasing workload.

 Read more: www.dailymail.co.uk/news

The demands Fat Cat Boss Helen Briggs and her team of cowardly bullies place on the Head of Legal Services at Rutland County Council must be immense. 
(Sorry I forgot Peterborough City Council now run his department)

Its clear from my experience of Rutland County Council the Head of Legal Services is often forced to bring his profession into disrepute. Mr Pook has often said to me, almost all I say is true, but its the way you say it. If this statement is true then why not support all of us who complain about the way Rutland County Council treats people instead appearing to be turning a constant blind eye?  (must be the big pay packet?)

Stop covering for the fat cats often illegal behaviour and lack of ability during the May elections just to name one set of incidents

Before long I should think his pressure will be reduced as she slowly puts herself out of a job.
Contracting out nearly all departments surely leaves her with little work to do and any justification to continue as the highly paid Chief Executive.

I have noticed the council critics are growing on Twitter she can't shut them all up for long.
Of course they can block them if they don't like what they see.  I was threatened by Rutland County Council for mentioning Council staff and Councillors by name on Twitter when referring to the new pool bikes.
Rutland County County Council sent me a direct message requesting I delete the messages and refrain from using names in further tweets or they will block me.
Censorship again! I don't think, so I blocked them I don't want to see the rubbish Helen Briggs sanctions as ok! to Tweet!