Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rob Gee, Fruit Cake, Live@ the museum, music, theatre, cinema, Rutland County Council, Oakham, Rutland

Rob Gee, Fruit Cake, Live@ the museum, music, theatre, cinema, Rutland County Council, Oakham, Rutland

Saturday 12th November at 8.00pm

Rutland Comedy Night Presents...

Rob Gee plus guests
with his multi award winning show 'Fruitcake'

Rob Gee, poet, comedian and ex-psychiatric nurse, brings
his new show 'Fruitcake - Ten Commandments from the Psych Ward'
based on his eleven year experience working in the British wards.
Based on a night shift in a hospital, a jaded nurse starts to hear the
voice of God, who is a kindly Jamaican woman, who gives him the ten
benevolent commandments to get through the shift.... and life.
A rollercoaster of comedy and poignant observations, 'Fruitcake'
presents a hilarious user-friendly guide to losing the plot in the English
medical system.

"delightfully humorous....his delivery is wonderful' World Literature Today

"Genius...certainly funny!" Star Phoenix, Canada

If tickets are required you can buy
by phone, email over the internet or
in person.

Live@ offer all members of Forces
concession price tickets.

All shows take place inside Rutland
County Museum, Catmose Street,

For Sat-Navs use the postcode
LE15 6HW

There is FREE parking for all
evening shows in the nearby
public car parks.

You can now follow Live@ on
Facebook and Twitter.

Type into search
to find them

Box Office 01572 720 922


Tickets online at www.rutland.gov.uk/live@themuseum

Please check website before travelling as listings can change due to
unforeseen circumstances. Please be aware that in the event of an
advertised film being unavailable, the Live@ management reserve the
right to substitute with an alternative feature, or cancel a performance.

Doors open 30 minutes before stated film/event times.