Friday, October 07, 2011

Christmas 2011, Oakham Town Partnership, Oakham Town Council

At next Wednesday's full Town Council meeting Councillors are being asked to consider the following:

CHRISTMAS 2011 (Appendix F)
To decide whether to make any financial contribution to the Christmas Late Night
shopping event due to be held on Monday December 12th

The Clerk recently said the Town Partnership has a large sum of unused funds so why does it need more?
More importantly this is another vague request that is likely to be approved. Just like the Oakham Festival Grant. There is no clear indication on how the tax payers money will be spent and I can't understand why live entertainment is being cancelled, each year this event becomes less and less of an event and just like the Oakham Festival we are expected to throw tax payers money at it without a clue, how it will be spent.

A local business person told me they spoke to ex Conservative Councillor Peter Jones at Business Link
another Rutland Committee or Group! we have so many! for such a small county. They suggested the date was too late for Christmas shopping, they received a frosty reception to any suggestion of change. That does not surprise me. Peter Jones apparently waffled on about his business success how he was selling many items from his shop at a couple of thousand pounds a hit....


(Appendix F) Item 14 – Christmas 2011

In previous years Oakham Town Council has made a financial contribution to the Late Night Shopping event. This has been used to pay for live entertainment on the night and also to sponsor a free Hopper Service on the evening. The amount allocated last year was £800.

Following a meeting of Oakham Town Partnership (who organise the event) it was decided that live entertainment would not be a part of this year’s event and other alternatives would be looked at for the High Street from its junction with Church Street to the traffic lights at John Street.

A member of the Oakham Town Partnership, Mr Graeme Phipps has good contacts with various sporting clubs (i.e. Leicester Tigers, Nottingham Forest and Leicester City) and has also been looking at potential other attractions.

Members are asked to consider whether to agree to pledging a similar amount as in previous years to help to pay towards these attractions and for the free bus service. Other funding is also being sought.

Money would come from the Promotion of Oakham budget heading which currently contains £2500. However, members should also be aware that some £1000 of this may be taken by the installation of a flagpole in Cutts Close and there may be other demands on this before the end of the financial year.