Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cllr John Nowell Has big plans for (himself) Oakham Town Council

Cllr John Nowell Has big plans for (himself) Oakham Town Council

Cllr John Nowell is very new to Oakham Town Council and already he has big plans. He said "When I become Oakham's next Mayor. I will purchase business cards for all member of the council"

I think his prediction will come true he was only co-opted onto the council and with in days he was appointed chairman of the planning and parks committee.

Strange really to think he told me the "Clerk was overpaid and the council is corrupt", Hearing this I thought I had met someone who could see what I was seeing and was not afraid to speak out. But no luck there he denies ever saying such words. Calling me a liar, I don't lie Mr Nowell. I hope you will get your wish and become our next Mayor because you certainly have the skills that match our current Mayor.
I am sure you will enjoy flashing your new cards at the Lodge at Oakham School and London. I am not sure being Mayor of Oakham Town Council is something I would want to boast about.