Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween 2011 Leicestershire Constabulary Posters

Halloween 2011 Leicestershire Constabulary Posters

Vulnerable householders such as the elderly are being offered an opportunity to opt out of receiving visits from ‘trick or treaters’ this year. The ‘No thanks trick or treaters’ poster reminds the public to call the Leicestershire Police on the new 101 police non-emergency number, regarding Halloween-related anti-social behaviour.

Leicestershire Police as part of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Anti-Social Behaviour Delivery Group which involves the county, city and district councils has made a poster available below giving households the option of not being involved in the festivities. It is hoped that the campaign will reduce instances of reported anti-social behaviour across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland during the Halloween period.

Last year, a total of 398 non-emergency calls were taken by police call handlers between 6pm and midnight on October 31; approximately 17 per cent of those related to Halloween.

Chief Inspector Sally Chivers, lead for Anti-Social Behaviour at Leicestershire Police said: “We want your Halloween to be memorable for all the right reasons; and recognise that some households may choose not to be involved in Halloween festivities. By discreetly displaying our poster in your window, you can say ‘No thanks trick or treaters.’”

Jane Moore, Chair of the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy Group for Leicester and Leicestershire, said:  “Many vulnerable or elderly residents may not wish to take part in ‘Trick or Treat’ traditions, but find that they will still be visited by groups of people who go door-to-door in the good sprit of Halloween.

“The Anti-Social Behaviour Delivery Group will be working to ensure that these messages, alongside action taken the Group in neighbourhoods and communities to engage young people and reduce instances of anti-social behaviour, will support a safe and enjoyable Halloween for all in 2011.”

In 2010, local newspapers printed the poster making it available to over 65,000 households across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This year, the poster incorporates the 101 logo as part of the design. 101 is now the non-emergency number for contacting local police with instances of Halloween and Bonfire Night-related anti-social behaviour.

Marion Lewis OBE, lead volunteer for Leicestershire Police and Chair of the East Midlands Neighbourhood Watch region said: “For the elderly, answering the door can be a difficulty. Because of this, some people consider leaving their home on Halloween night to avoid ‘trick or treaters’ all together. This poster politely lets any visitors know that you are opting out of festivities this year – in a message supported by local police and partners.”

Trick or treating is a popular tradition that is enjoyed by families all over Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and can be a great source of enjoyment, with young people in fancy dress collecting sweets and treats from neighbours in their local communities. Local policing and youth offending teams are visible in communities with additional anti-social behaviour patrols this year, to ensure Halloween is memorable for all the right reasons.
Neighbourhood Policing Teams have begun to distribute ‘No thanks trick or treaters’ posters to the elderly and vulnerable; and encourage shops to support their efforts by refusing to sell flour and eggs to young people under the age of 18. 

During Halloween 2010, the number of incidents of egg, flour or stone throwing was reduced. A total of 51 incidents were reported to police between 6pm and midnight on Sunday October 31, compared to 62 the previous year – a reduction of 18 per cent.

The poster can collected from police stations, downloaded from the force website at www.leics.police.uk/halloween or sent to your e-mail if you are a member of the www.neighbourhoodlink.co.uk community messaging system which will inform subscribers of police activity in their area. Neighbourhood Link is fully endorsed by Neighbourhood Watch.

The posters are available to download below:
Trick or Treat Poster

For residents - message: No thanks Trick or Treaters. Please don't knock on this door as we do not wish to take part.

Flour & Eggs Poster

For businesses - message: Sale of flour and eggs.  This store will be helping police and will not sell flour or eggs to under 18s unless accompanies by an adult.