Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oakham Town Council to spend £4,000 on two new public notice boards

Oakham Town Council £4,000 new public notice boards

At last nights council meeting Oakham Town Councillors approved a budget for the Tourism and Working Group of £4,000

To replace the notice boards outside the library and gaol street.

Once again Oakham Town shows its total dis-regard to its responsibilities to spend tax payers money wisely and does so because it will look nice.

The full council will now not get to decide on the type of notice board that will be purchased. The working group did provide details of one very expensive style.made of wood a very dated village church like style.

Rutland County County Council about two years ago provided a number of new notice boards around the town, all made of wood and within a couple of years they look shabby because of a lack of maintenance. I fear those to be purchased by the town council costing around £2,000 each!! will go the same way.

The existing notice boards are constructed of metal frames and have been in place for over 12 years and have needed little if any repair.

Oakham Town Council is not budgeting your money correctly last year they underspent by £21,000 and this year Cllr Dewis says its likely to be around £30,000 and we are heading towards reserves of £60,000. So as we have no plan to reduce the council tax or any strategic plan this council will be happy to keep thinking up ideas to on how to spend tax payers money as it pleases them. Deputy Mayor Charles Haworth likes to call it carrying out the councils good work and wanted to raise the precept to grab more tax payers money to squander.. on what he refer to as his good works. No wonder he refuses to have his photograph published on the Council website and hangs his head in shame when photographed at event by the Rutland Times.
