Friday, December 30, 2011

Bakers Yard Slashes Ticket Price From £50 to £15 for New Years Eve Celebrations

Baker’s Yard New Years Eve
6 Church Street, Oakham, LE15 6AA

Oakham’s  new and very popular wine bar, which is already receiving a lot of attention, with its chic interior and bistro style menu, will be offering :
 New Year’s Eve  BBQ (bring your coats) in the courtyard for £50  £15 which includes and outdoor selection of meats as well as an indoor buffet and desert for £50 £15pp, to include a glass of champagne at midnight.

I know Oakham has a reputation of being home to many affluent people, but even £50 seems to have proved a little to much for most residents this year.

Something tells me what some local traders call the 'Oakham Exchange Rate' is finally falling...