Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Soul Boy Cinema Live@themuseum Oakham Rutland County Council

Live@themuseum Cinema 2012

Soul Boy (15) 82 mins

It’s 1974 and Joe is disillusioned
with a life of political unrest and
football violence. After meeting a
beautiful blonde, he is
introduced to The Wigan Casino
and becomes caught up in the
Northern Soul music wave. But it
comes with a much darker side in
which Joe starts to dabble.

Thur 22nd Mar 7.30pm

Buy Tickets - You can buy tickets by phone, email, over the internet or in person

Venue—Our shows take place inside Rutland County Museum, Catmose Street, Oakham.
For your Sat-Navs use the postcode LE15 6HW

Parking - There is free parking for our evening shows in the nearby public car parks

Live@ Go Live! - You can now follow Live@ on Facebook & Twitter. Type in /liveatthemuseum to find us!

Any Problems? - Contact the Live@ Team on 01572 720 922 or email boxoffice @rutland.gov.uk

Disclaimer - Please check website before travelling as listings can change due to unforeseen
circumstances. Please be aware that in the event of an advertised film being unavailable, the Live@
management reserve the right to substitute with an alternative feature, or cancel a performance.

Also Showing in March 2012

17th 3.00pm Cinema Puss in Boots (U)

31st 3.00pm Cinema The Adventures of Tintin (PG)