Monday, December 12, 2011

Edward Scott, Uppingham Town Cricket Clubs Tells The World What He Thinks of My Blog

Edward Scott, Uppingham Town Cricket Clubs Tells The World What He Thinks about My Blog

I will never understand why these Rutland Establishment Figures have to resort to using foul
language or low insults when they set about attacking me, it must have something to do with
their intelligence?

This reminds me of the committee man who resigned from Arts For Rutland for sending foul
threatening emails. The Rutland Establishment must have a lot to hide?

The second tweet in the photo below is the offending tweet:

The player has now deleted his Tweet after a few thousand + had seen it and has since expressed concern about his community. 

Fortunately one of my old chums from the good old Rutland Chat Forum told me how to take screen shots so a few more can see it.