Monday, December 19, 2011

Leicestershire policeman's 'foul-mouthed rant on his Facebook page'

Leicestershire policeman's 'foul-mouthed rant on his Facebook page'

A police officer is being investigated for allegedly posting foul mouthed and possibly racist material on his Facebook page.

The officer made the comments on his personal site but has fallen foul of his employer because he names the force in his biography at the top of his home page.

A typical Leicestershire Police Officer?

The Leicester Mercury do not publish his name?

I gues they will wait to see if Leicestershire Constabulary sweep this under the carpet.

I think Sgt Wharton's past tweets sum up the Constabulary "moral is dangerously low" 

Its in a dire state why are the police not sorting out there issues and public concerns?

When  I complain about the conduct of a badly behaved Inspector Monks they persuade The Leicestershire arm of the IPCC the complaint is nothing more than an attack on him and causes him great distress.

No more than the stress he caused me, when he based here in Oakham when his officers lost evidence of hate crimes against me.

Special Constable Adam Lowe sends e-mails agreeing with me the police management "can't be trusted"

Leicestershire Constaulary is a sham.

There was a time when a police officer was never of duty and some people respected officers.  I am not sure this is true of Leicestershire Constabulary.