Friday, December 16, 2011

Message from Oakham Town Mayor Oakham Carol Concert 2011 Royal British Legion

Message from Oakham Town Mayor Oakham Carol Concert 2011 Royal British Legion

This year after a ten year term at  All Saints Church Oakham, The town carol concert returned to Oakham Castle. Less than a 100 people attended, for those who did not attend it was their loss. The carol concert
was one of the best I have attended since moving to Oakham. I think this was help by the less formal surrounding of a church. I was a little apprehensive about attending after the deluded actions of the Deputy Mayor Councillor Charles Haworth on the late night Christmas shopping event. Fortunately he behaved he even took his gum out and stuck it in his swag bag  for later on.

This years Mayor lifted last years photo ban, that was put in place to prevent me from photographing and blogging.

So not to disturb people I did not use the flash so apologies for the grainy quality of some of the photographs.

Oakham Town Councillor Jane Woodcock (one of the good ones)
Independent Rutland County Councillor & Ex Mayor and Oakham Town Councillor
Mark Woodcock (not sure about him sit to close to the Tory Mob people still expect him to jump ship soon)
Rev Brian McAvoy Chaplain to the Mayor not the council

Deputy Mayor Charles Haworth, Bob Lucas (married to the Mayor and a local Mason and Rotarian)
Ex Mayor and Town Councillor Jan Fillingham (she was taken from the public seats a put amongst councillors) 
Mr Dewis and Oakham Town Councillor Alf Dewis chatting away during the Mayors welcome if he is not centre stage he vary rarely pay any attention to whats going on and this is often sticks out by
some of his questions at council meetings)

Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas welcomed us all.

Good evening ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.

Welcome to this ancient building dating back to 1190. 

She referred to an article from this weeks Rutland Times about the Carol Concert and its venue and then threw it on the floor where it belongs.

As you walk, through the Buckingham Arch and enter into this magnificent hall adorned with over two hundred horseshoes let us take time to reflect on the past for a moment.

Think of all the joy and jollity which must be contained within these walls.  The banquets, the Ceremonial events and the smaller family occasions, she forgot to mention those who may have been sentenced to hang when it was used more often as a court, well it is Christmas.

Then switch to more modern times, Bazaars, Craft Fairs, Art Exhibitions and Weddings.
This building has become a truly community space. (I say not Joyce well done Rutland County Council goodness knows what state it would have got into if Oakham Town Council had got its hands on it.)

We are this evening for one of the greatest celebrations of our time. We will sing the well loved carols and listen to readings and, hopefully, take time to sit here quietly to reflect on why we are here and what all the concert is all about. 
Please give a thought to those who will undoubtedly be lonely this time of the year, to those who have little money to spare and to those brave people who are away from home in Afghanistan and other parts of the world. 

I ask you to give generously to the Mayor's Charity which this year is The Royal British Legion Oakham Branch, as a way of saying 'thank you'.

Please enjoy the evening and a happy and safe Christmas to you all.

Everyone sang O Come All Ye Faithful

Councillor Rob Guthrie read Talking Turkey, A poem by Benjamin Zephaniah in  his Birmingham Rastafarian accent. Sadly no dread locks I am assuming that would not be politically correct?

Everyone then sung Away in a Manger.
The Cottesmore Handbell Ringers played Jingle Bells and Walking in the air. I later learnt one of their members is a "traitor" well that's how he described how locals perceived him as he was a County Councillor when Rutland became Leicestershire.

This was followed by a reading from the pianist Ruth Hardy.

(Cllr Lucas made a public appeal to Rutland County Council to get a baby grand piano for the castle. This would have saved Ruth the trouble of carting in her electronic keyboard. Can I add don't forget the piano stall
I was worried she was going to topple over as she had to use 3 chairs to reach the electronic keyboard.)

Then everyone sang While Shepherds Watched.
This was followed by a poem by Sarah Cooke, read by Cllr Mrs Jayne Woodcock.

Good King Wenceslas was played by the Cottesmore Handbell Ringers. 

Everyone then sung Once In Royal David's City 

What Does Christmas Mean to you? was read by Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas.

I sadly could not help think of the word hypocritical then I heard two members of the public repeat my thoughts.

The sermon ended.

And we moved to the thanks every body was thanked. 

We were told every Councillor agrees with her always!

Special emotional thanks were given to her husband Bob and a public declaration of love I thought by the time people got to his and her age that all went out the window. Very good if its true.

At this point of the evening the Mayor felt it was a good point to share information relating to this years town councils Councillor Christmas Party (lock in) in the council chamber this week sound like fun!

She said "We did what church goers do Bring and Share. No Tax Payers Money was spent.
We all brought a bottle No Tax Payers Money was spent."

"At the end of the night we all got home by Taxi or Walked (stumbled) at No Cost to the Tax Payer" none of them wanting to become the 6th Rutlander to be arrested for drink driving this week.

I can't imagine why there was so much emphasis on at no cost to the tax payer. Must have something to 
do with that bad ex Councillor Martin Brookes who exposed how some past councils had squandered public 
money before. The public speech help confirm to many what I have said of the past was true. I hope the council continues to learn to be careful when spending your money in the future.
Especially for the man who sat behind me and to the right ear of Conservative Rutland County Council Gene Plews, he said "that make a change" I turned to look a very respectable man. I wonder when Gene Plews tory mob will start emailing that gentleman is an idiot. I often think a small group of people forget Oakham Town Council does not rate highly amongst the non political members of the public. Hopefully Cllr Lucas has helped repair some of that damage.

Then she moved onto wishing Honorary Alderman Tommy Sutherland a happy 100th Birthday and the Bell Ringers played Happy Birthday he was presented with cards and cut a cake baked by Croft Bakery.

Everyone then sang O Little Town of Bethlehem

Next we had a Gospel reading Luke Chapter 2 1:16 read by Cllr Alf Dewis, the public then applauded 
in a way that would make any evangelical minister proud of his flock.It's the first time I have heard the Gospel applauded. 

We then received A Christmas Message and Blessing from Rev Brian McAvoy Chaplain to the Mayor

The Carol Concert ended with all singing Hark! the Herald Angels sing.

Birthday Day Cake, Mince Pies, Tea, Coffee and fruit juices were served at a reception.

Rutland County Councillor Mark Woodcock chats to 
Caroline Aston a local celebrity 
to the right of her a ex Rutland and Oakham Councillor and his wife (Conservative)