Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oakham Town Council Christmas £16,000 waste

Oakham Town Council Christmas lights £16,000 waste

Unlike Christmas 2010 The council has not turned of the lights because they looked so bad.

Each year the council spends £16,000 on lights to decorate the town each year they are described
as crap!

This year the council paid for new bulbs as they do every year the Clerk previously reported to the
council new bulbs would  cost £700 - £800 in fact the council actually paid Lamps and Tubes Illuminations
on the 10th November £1,578.00 for new bulbs.

The clerk reported to the Council 10% of the bulbs have not worked since they were switched on.
He was due to meet with a rep from the company he was sick and the meeting has been re-scheduled to Monday 19th 

The main decoration at the Entrance to the town  finally works, after three years of hanging the lights  and not connecting them, some one took down the Oakham in Bloom planter which was blocking access to the socket and plugged it in!

The Clerk also reported various meetings have taken place with companies who could supply new light for next Christmas.Quotations are likely to be put before the Council in the Spring.