Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Oakham Town Council Returns To Debating Behind Closed Doors

Oakham Town Council Returns To Debating Behind Closed Doors

When I was kicked of the Council Cllr Adam Lowe told me the council would return to having it pre meetings because some members did not want me blogging about a public meeting.

I thought no they wont, would they?

Yes Councillor Lowe  was correct.

Tonight the Town Council held a extra meeting to discuss the budget and borrowing £50,000 to pay for a new toddlers play area at Royce Recreation Ground.

I turned up 35 minutes early to find the door locked and a notice saying Councillors were being briefed before tonight's meeting.

But no worries, I obtained a few notes of went on behind those closed doors. Councillors debated the whole agenda in private and that is why the what was expected to be a long meeting was over in about 30 minutes.

He are the notes from the closed debate, (it really is time this council learnt it is not a private club but a body paid for by the tax payer.)

On the subject of borrowing Cllr Adam Lowe said he felt to borrow was a contradiction of  of terms, by not putting up the precept and then borrowing.

At the public meeting he sat in silence and voted against borrowing and said he was happy for all to know his name.

Cllr Maureen Dodds said she did not think it would be a good thing for public perception of the council if it was to go ahead and put itself in debt. She abstained at the public meeting.

The Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas asked, would the council be able to refurbish the play area with out getting a loan.

The Clerks reply was yes, clearly the Mayor pays no attention to anything that goes on in meetings, because the council had that option put to them when the clerk first put the proposal on the table.

He did add a but, saying the reserves would drastically be reduced, this could mean further down the line the it would not look good if the council could not afford to pay for something if they had spent all its reserves.

He reminded Councillors they had committed themselves to the project, like they were committed to not increasing the precept.

I think this clearly shows them to be a bunch of idiots, Rutland County Council Standards say the term idiot is political banter so  no Councillor should be offended by my comment.
Proposing to carry out such a large project with out a clue as to how it is to be funded?

Cllr John Nowell said he had no problem with a loan repaid over 5 years. but changed this to 10 years when he seconded  Cllr Guthries proposal at the public meeting.

Cllr Dewis commented we are in a period of financial restraint, The Clerk was very quick to disagree, well if I was taking home over £2,000 of the tax payers money each month for very little in return. I would possibly be out of touch with the reality that most of us have to endure.

Cllr Dewis reminded members the Council currently hold £63,000 of reserves.

The next comment from Cllr Guthrie can not be fully correct. He wants the Council  to borrow £50,000 over a ten year period and it will cost the council £5,000 a year.

The Mayor Cllr Lucas was concerned the public might be of a lower intelligence from her and when the budget was published the public will not understand it?

Cllr Nowell said then we will have to explain it to them!

The Clerk went on to say if the council were to apply for grants from Cory or
Waste Recycling Environmental Limited (WREN)

They could not apply until March 2012.

He was very keen for the work to start in the spring, he referred to the history of Cutts Close and how it took three years to obtain funds and the embarrassment he had suffered telling the Oakham in Bloom judges things will be improved each year.

I question who does this council serve the people of our town or the Oakham in Bloom Judges?

Members then decided who would propose what at the public meeting.

The Clerk came out to unlock the hall doors.

As I entered the chamber I was greeted with laughter as a small group of the less rotten councillors opened Christmas cards I had sent them. They have a strange sense of humour? but then its good to spread a little joy at this time of the year. I do hope they were not laughing because the artist uses their feet to paint.

Cllr Dodds managed to bring up her favourite subject immigrants, the mayor did attempt to correct her by suggesting she meant newcomers to the town. Cllr Dodds is old and sadly however nice she is she has little understanding of racism. I often wish people like her and Cllr Nowell would get into a plane and visit countries that have to suffer ex pats from Great Britain.

Cllr Jane Woodcock and Peter Lockett were absent

The rehearsal had gone well Cllr Guthrie led on item 6 the councils investment strategy. He questioned, I trust all members have read the document and done their home work?  Such a joker they had only 10 minutes before sat and debated it behind closed doors.

The Clerk having a laugh prompted members for debate. Cllr Adam Lowe eventually put up his hand and told Cllr Lucas, he had nothing to say and he writes to me calling me a prat?

The Council agreed to accept all Cllr Guthries suggestions regarding investing your money.

Cllr Dewis said his working group were working on amendments to the Councils risk assessment document and its financial regulations.

I often wonder what the point of regulations are to Oakham Town Council it changes them all the time.
It does the same with standing orders, which they often revoke whenever it pleases them. I think often too easily.

When it came to discussing the draft budget a few token questions were asked.

Cllr Guthrie was unhappy with the sum under the heading promotion of Oakham.

A lot of things are hidden under this heading.

The Clerk revealed the council will need to replace the pointless bunting that goes up in the town each summer. He estimates that will cost about £700 plus the cost of putting it up and taking it down.

Councillors agreed next years Jubilee Party in Cutts Close costing £5,000 should have its own heading.

Cllr Dewis raised the increased budget of £20,000 for next years Christmas lights.

The Clerk responded it was only a guess because nothing had been finalised yet. What bothers me about this is he can never give a straight answer, for so long we have been told we spend £2000 on new bulbs each year, tonight we were all told that was about £700 - £800 this year.

Cllr Dewis then said I know this is sensitive, Chairman's allowance. The Mayor did not look happy.
It became clear a large sum will be spent on resurrecting the Mayors piss up (the Mayors Reception)
The last Mayors to do this held a private reception at Victoria Hall, That was the end of  Cllr Mark Woodcocks term. When dignatories were witnessed rolling out into the street pissed at 1.00am. At the time Cllr Woodcock told me this was not all down to tax payer funding and he had personally paid for most of the bar bill.

Cllr Lucas went on to say whatever amount of the allowance was remaining at the end of her term she would hand it back. This is confusing because I sat in a meeting with the internal auditor and he said all the allowance could not be paid in full and receipts must be provided.

Cllr Adam Lowe questioned the heading office furniture and equipment.
Cllr Lucas waffled on and finished by telling Cllr Lowe if the money is not spent it will be returned to the pot.
The Clerk said like most of the headings on the budget this one was historic giving the impression it was irrelevant.  So why is money being placed under these historic headings?

Councillors moved onto the subject the precept, the Clerk highlighted the new homes and the extra income this is likely to give the council.

He then went on to say the extra income from the Vale of Catmose build is expected to be around £5,000
and the councils extra responsibilities to those new residents would be nothing. Personally I find his attitude stinks and shows the council as only interested in screwing the tax payers for what they can get.

It surprises many residents are unhappy with this council but are unwilling to do nothing about it?

At the end of the meeting Cllr Lucas closed the meeting noting the time as 8.34 - 35  -36 ...... she did not know anything about the 14.30 clock like John.