Sunday, December 04, 2011

Oakham Town Council Telephone Bill

I recently made a request to see the Town Councils itemised telephone bill

I was shocked to see how much time the office spends on the phone over a month. 

I was only provided with page 5 from  6 of an itemised bill for the purpose of my request. 

This page shows just over 100 calls. Many of the calls made are personal 

The Clerks own admission, he had called his mother for a chat (of course paid for by the tax payer) 

I don't know his mothers number. I Googled some of the numbers my findings included NEXT home shopping and a Corby Car Dealership and Dog Grooming at Hambleton.
that is three of the many of the personal calls made. 

As the council looks to save costs for next years budget, maybe it should look at its telephone provider the call charges incurred seem rather high for today's competitive market. If the tax payer is to continue to pay for the staffs personal calls surely a modern day package would be best one that includes mobile phone call deals may help. Of course if the calls are free the tax payer is still paying for their time. 

So they can 'Talk Talk' as much as the like?

TalkTalk Buisness

Invoice 07473120

Invoice date: 21 November 2011

Page 5 of 6

Account 1015280 - Oakham Town Council

Line ID 01572 723627

I have not published the document because we don't want some nut phoning the numbers listed.