Friday, December 30, 2011

Orchestral narratives, Music in Oakham School Chapel, Oakham Arts

Orchestral narratives, Music in Oakham School Chapel, Oakham Arts

Friday 3rd February 2012

Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra
Peter Davis, Martin Cropper conductors
Angus Bower-Brown horn, Lucy-Rose Graham,
Eleanor Wood 'cello, Ben Blades, Nathan Ellis,
Cian Llewellyn, Tom McDavid,
Charlotte Senescall singers

Debussy Petite Suite (selected movts)
Debussy Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune
Gershwin Blue Monday
Strauss Horn Concerto No. 1 in E Flat, op. 11 (1st movt)
Vivaldi Concerto for 2 'cellos in G minor, RV531

"Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin..."

Our musicians are in story-telling mood tonight.
They'll treat you to some of Debussy's delightfully
descriptive music, works by Strauss and Vivaldi, and
a performance of Debussy's perennially enchanting
Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune in its anniversary
year. Rounding off the evening, there will be a special
performance of Gershwin's youthful one-act jazz
opera, Blue Monday

Chapel, 7.45pm

Free Admission (tickets required)

Retiring collection for IAPS Orchestral Fund

Tickets are not always required for free events:
please check the individual event details. Tickets
may be available on the door. Oakham School
are unable to take credit/debit card payments.

Cheques should be made payable to Oakham School.

How to get tickets

E-mail boxoffice@oakham.rutland.sch.uk

Phone 01572 758820 (music)

01572 758653 (theatre)

In person Foyer, QET (during working hours)

Post Please send your written order and
payment to:

Boxoffice, The Barraclough,
Ashwell Road, Oakham
Rutland LE15 6QG

for concerts only tickets are also available

(No Booking fee for free concerts)

Locally Music&More, 3 Melton Road, Oakham
(01572 756578)


Most seating is unreserved and audiences are advised to
arrive early. Latecomers will be admitted as appropriate.
Chapel seating is not padded but some cushions are
available; please note that although the Chapel is heated
it can be cool during the colder months. A ramp is
available at the Chapel for wheelchair users. There are
several stairs up to the QET auditorium. Please contact
the Boxoffice if you have particular requirements.
Refreshments are available at most QET performances
and some Chapel concerts. Toilet facilities are available
near the Chapel and in the QET


Details of Scholarships and Awards, including Music,
Art, and Drama may be obtained from the Registrar,
Oakham School, Chapel Close, Oakham, Rutland
LE15 6DT

01572 758758
