Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dead Poets and Poet Laureate Final Stamfrod Arts Centre

Dead Poets and Poet Laureate Final
Fri 30 Mar. 8pm
Verse 2012: Stamford Poetry Festival
If you think poetry is boring, old fashioned or for old people... think again. This is poetry Jim, but not as we know it! Find out how Mark, an English teacher from Peterborough, struggles as he attempts to compete on the hip hop battle circuit and see MC Mixy's attempts to be accepted by Peterborough's poetry community.

Mark and Mixy will make you see poetry and hip hop in a completely different light. Packed with wordplay, wit and creative energy. Plus meet the finalists of the search for Stamford's Poet Laureate. The six poets perform their short-listed poems in front of our judging panel.

To find out more and to enter the Poet Laureate Competition click here