Thursday, January 05, 2012

Leicestershire Partnership Trust (LPT) Adult Mental Health Services Meeting Ramada Jarvis Hotel on Granby Street

on behalf of Leicestershire Partnership Trust (LPT). 

Samantha Quinn, Patient Experience & Partnerships Manager at Samantha.Quinn@leicspart.nhs.uk or call 0116 295 8992 with any further enquiries.

Adult Mental Health Services Meeting
Wednesday 11th January 2012
6pm - 7pm

Involvement Centre, Bradgate Mental Health Unit, Glenfield Hospital, Groby Road, Leicester

The meeting is for people who use adult mental health services and for their families and carers and is focussed on developing an adult acute care pathway and discussing ways in which adult mental health services can be developed in future.

We are keen to hear the views of local people, particularly those using our services and would welcome their feedback on the development of future pathways of care.

Read the discussion document online - This contains information about the acute care pathway, and throughout the document are a series of suggested questions.  You can also answer the questions via the online survey.
Download the flyer for more details.


LPT Members Event
- Open invitation

Breaking Down Barriers - members' evening 10 January 2012

Breaking down the barriers' is the theme of a key members' event hosted by LPT on Tuesday 10 January 2012. Open to all members, staff and the public, you will hear from a number of people who have positively overcome obstacles and see a display from the Action Deafness Bollywood Dancers. If you are interested to see what the trust plans for 2012 then please come along. 

The event takes place at the Ramada Jarvis Hotel on Granby Street, Leicester, from 7pm to 9pm. See the flyer for more details or email membership@leicspart.nhs.uk

Gemma Hammond
LINk Communications Officer

Communities in Partnership
Beaumont Enterprise Centre
Boston Road
t: 0116 229 3103
e: gemma@communitiesinpartnership.org.uk
w: www.communitiesinpartnership.org.uk