Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Anti Corruption Party set up at Rutland County Council

The following news has been reported by Rutland Radio

Councillors set up a new party

A new political grouping's been formed on Rutland County Council calling themselves the Anti Corruption Party.

Four independent councillors have decided to join together because they say they've had difficulty getting information.

They believe as a party it'll give them more power to gain access to council knowledge.

However they'll remain independent as regards the way they'll vote.

Rutland County Council has so far been unable to comment.

Former Conservative Councillor Nick Wainwright gave a radio interview.

Will this bring about change? I very much doubt it.

Four extra people available to receive hate mail and threats from those cowards who support the corrupt political system of this county.

Corruption is rife on all levels.  I read an e-mail correspondence written by the local electoral commission, sent to the legal department at Rutland County Council it was checking if they were happy with their response After complainants were received regarding the conduct of Helen Briggs the returning officer at the last local elections, I realised the council was not answerable to anyone. The letter finally sent just said the complaints would be noted on her file.

I will be surprised if we see any reports of this new group are published in the local press. Considering it cosy relationship with local governance.

It would be good to think, these four councillors can bring about a much needed change at Rutland County Council. I fear this will lead to little change. The councils support stems from many of the local societies, groups, clubs or orders whatever you want to call them. And the big green giant and his cowardly lion deputy will most certainly put up a fight.

Oakham Town Council could also benefit from the same scrutiny. It is so farcical they can finally award a contract 75% cheaper than it cost two year ago. Nothing is wrong because the, Clerk now declares an interest by stating "one of the directors is a close associate of mine"

At their last meeting a Cllr questioned the toilet cleaning contract, the Clerk persuaded amendments to the opening hours to satisfy the contractors needs. The cleaning is a part-time job, and yet the contract costs the council £17,000+ a year this was questioned by a Councillor who I am sure would have received a call the next morning bringing him back into line, Just like the call received by Cllr Adam Lowe told me about when he once questioned the Clerk about a contract at a meeting.

It brings back pleasant memories of those early days as a Councillor, when the Clerk told me "the council is like a football club it has its own rules, you abide by them or get out and UK laws don''t apply here"

The Clerks father is a retired local police sergeant, I think this may explain the lack of action from a former local police Inspector, when complaints were raised in the past. I wonder if the Inspector keeps his box file with my name written on it, in his new office at Loughborough. Containing e-mails letters from Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council and their supporters. I am guessing it would have been one of the first files he would have picked up and packed, when he was kicked out of Oakham.