Thursday, January 05, 2012

Oakham Christmas Lights 2011 v Stamford Christmas Lights 2011

Dear Oakham Town Council.

Please can the council explain the following: Why does it cost so much to put up the Christmas lights?
A tree surgeon from Melton was paid the bulk of the amount to put up and take down the lights.
The lights are electrically PAL tested and fittings pull tested.
A small amount of the £16,000 was spent on new bulbs.
Like the £16,000 spent on hanging baskets - is this corruption?
I visited Stamford Town Council recently and the Clerk was very helpful and more than willing to provide information relating to Stamford's costs on Christmas lights. When it comes to financial matters I often feel that the information I am provided with by Oakham Town Council is less than satisfactory and likely to be processed through a series of confusing obfuscations.
Stamford purchased new LED lights this year and the controversial tree of lights from one company who
electrically PAL tested and pull test fittings.

All this cost Stamford around £16,000.

Stamford  Town Council will use the same company next year as part of the contract and the bill will be considerably less than this year. They may even purchase additional lights with the money saved next year.

I believe the Oakham Town Clerk tells tendering companies what the town already pays for each part of any new tendering project. It is clear when a company comes along and says we will charge the same for putting up and taking down Christmas lights, that some sort of information exchange is made to the contractor tendering. Is this costing the Council Tax payers of Oakham more than is necessary in order to keep, what seems to be, a nice little elite clique circulating jobs for the boys? Surely the Council is in dereliction of its fiscal duties?