Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Britain's lost Downtons revealed

Sometimes the Daily Mail has some very good photographs online, like these ones today

Britain's lost Downtons revealed: The majestic historic mansions that were demolished to make way for the bypasses and housing estates of modern life

  • Nearly a third of nation's grand houses are no longer standing
  • Since WWII, about 1,000 country mansions have been demolished
  • Factors for demise include war, death duties... and reckless owners

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2100866/Majestic-historic-mansions-stood-proudly--demolished-make-way-bypasses-housing-estates.html#ixzz1mNCSEDYW

During the 1970's Rutland also lost a few grand home.none of them are shown in their article.