Monday, February 13, 2012

Councillors Questions Rutland County Council 13th February 2012

Councillors Questions Rutland County Council

At this evenings meeting two councillors asked questions

The first was from Cllr Waller she requested could the leader provide her with numerous attendance records relating to Councillors attendance of meetings and some committees and outside groups.

Roger Begy replied, he had provided Cllr Waller with a copy of the full register and it was not possible for him to provide record for outside groups. He said it would be to costly to check and if a group was unhappy about the lack of attendance of a council rep they would let the council know,

The second question was raised by Cllr Alan Walters he was questioning the councils business and employment policy and it aims and goals.

The question was answered by Cllr Terry King. A very long and useful reply. I found it difficult to keep up
so I hope I managed to get all the good points answered.

He said the council is working hard with the Local Enterprise Partnership a government backed organisation that has a large sum of money.

The council was working with the Ministry of Justice for a business use for the Ashwell Prison Site

106 payments

Working closely with Anglian Water to promote tourism.

Supporting Apprenticeship Schemes

Digital Rutland, Improving Broadband is key to attracting companies to Rutland.

He went on to list many other projects the council supported

The council is also talking to the MOD about new business opportunities for local companies when the Army arrives.

The council is currently working on the Town Centres tempting retailers to move into Rutland so the towns don't die.

He said the Key to Rutland's  successful economy was more housing.

Out of the Rut was providing employment.

The Council has placed a bid for sustainable transport as this was important for employers

He hoped that any decision made about the prison site will be made around employment and this in turn will help keep the counties good record of unemployment low.