Thursday, February 23, 2012


Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall, 39 High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH
Telephone: 01572 723627 Fax: 01572 759395
e-mail: enquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk

The meeting was held in the gallery outside the chamber due to 30+ members of the public attending.
The First part of the meeting can be easily described as the Mayors Performance once again she stole
the show and made a spectacular effort to entertain the gathered public.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr John Nowell, who starts of well with his forceful introduction of the
evenings proceedings.

I observed like always he looks fresh and ready for battle at the start of meetings but by the end
he always looks knackered and unenthusiastic.

1. APOLOGIES - Standing Order 1(u)
(i) Cllr Nowell announce he had received apologies for absence from Cllr Dewis and Socket? (meaning Locket) both had more important matters to attend to.
The Clerk gave the Chairman some important advice as he made another minor mistake "put your glasses on"

(ii) The  remaining 7 Councillors decided to approve their apologies for absence

Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda none were declared at this point of the meeting, Cllr Adam Lowe later declared at the consideration of a planning application.

Councillors confirmed the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Parks Committee held on
Wednesday January 25th 2012

No questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 8

To receive reports from members relating to the work of the Committee
(Members intending to give a report should inform the Clerk before the meeting)
There were no reports from Members maybe that is because the request has not
addressed them correctly, Oakham Town Councillors voted at the last full meeting
to change standing orders they are no longer member the are to be referred to as
Councillors (rather egotistic?)

6. CLERK’S REPORT – For information only
The Clerk read his report

To resolve:
(i) To suspend Standing Orders 1(e) and 1(f) to allow deputations specifically from the
Tennis Club and then residents opposed to their request, and that up to 15 minutes is
allowed for each side to make their deputations
(ii) That once these deputations have been received, to reinstate Standing Orders 1(e) and
1(f) to allow other members of the public to make deputations on items on the agenda

Both were agreed 

Representation from Oakham Tennis Club and opposing residents were heard

full report of this stage of the meeting can be read here:

Oakham Tennis Club Lights and Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas Questionable Conduct.

Members of the Public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with procedures laid
down in Standing Order 1(d) – 1(i), subject to any resolution made at Item 7 on the Agenda

Read more here: 

Oakham Tennis Club Lights and Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas Questionable Conduct.

(Appendices B – Request from the Chairman of the Tennis Club
B(i)- Letter and further information supplied by the Residents’ Group opposed
to the application)
(i) To consider the revised application from Oakham Tennis Club for the erection of
floodlighting to three courts at the Vale with a shut off time of 9.30pm on weekdays and
7.00pm at weekends and to decide whether or not to approve the request
(ii) To agree, if appropriate, on any comments or suggestions that can be made to both
parties with regard to floodlighting at the Vale

The Council decided this time to support the Tennis Club. Oakham's Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas said "Brilliant!"

Oakham Tennis Club Lights and Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas Questionable Conduct.

To consider the matter and to decide:
(i) Whether to contribute to the scheme
(ii) On the amount of sponsorship (if any)
(iii) To decide on possible locations for trees sponsored by Oakham Town Council
 (if appropriate)

Oakham Town Council agreed to support the above scheme.

The Mayor Cllr Councillor Joyce announced "My husband and I will be purchasing a Oak Tree and Richard Adams will tell us where it has been planted and we will water it each day throughout the summer months" she also wanted all to know the £60 cost would not be drawn from her allowance "it will be paid for out of my pension"

Despite her husbands and her individual support she was very critical regarding the choice of tree. Claiming there was no land available to plant Oak Trees.

She then went on to be very critical of Spire Homes 100 Diamond Jubilee Trees. She said she was contacted by a nice person from Spire Homes and said she told them nicely where to stick there tiny sapling sticks.
She did not approve their scheme.

Councillors agreed to support the Town Partnerships Jubilee Oaks Scheme and will be sponsoring 4 Oak Trees.

The Town Council then decided to do its own bit to commemorate the Jubilee and agreed to spend over £1,000 on three trees One to be located at Royce Recreation Ground another at Cutts Close and if permission is granted by Rutland County Council the other will be planted in the shabby play area in Willow Crescent, This are is leased from Rutland County Council.

All three trees will be surrounded by iron railings and a commemorative plaque in a style people may not want to steal.

None of the trees will be Oak as the tree warden said they are not suitable for the locations.

Cllr Maureen Dodds questioned the plaques and wanted assurance they will clearly explain the purpose of the tree and she looked forward to looking down at the people looking at the trees when she was dead from above.

Cllr Guthrie voted against the Councils three trees. The Chairman  Cllr John Nowell immediately requested a reason. The Clerk quickly advised "he does not have to give an answer" Cllr Guthrie a fairly new Councillor and one of the few decent ones, did not object. Clearly remembering all Councillors should be accountable for their actions. Something a few others could learn.  He said  he was against due to the high cost

So far the Town Council has spent over £7,000 on Jubilee projects.

Cllr Charles Haworth Deputy Mayor spoke for all the public by saying no member of the public would object
to spending on the Jubilee.

He never asked me but then I don't object if they cap the spending at this point and its good to hear all Oakham's residents are avid royalists.

To decide whether Oakham Town Council wishes to take part in the Bandstand Marathon on
September 9th 2012

Oakham Town Council I am pleased to say won't be contributing financially
to the National Bandstand Marathon

Cllr Lucas said when she was passed the information she immediate thought _ _ _ a three letter word
Cllr Dodds was confused attempting to think of a swear word made up of three letters.
Cllr Lucas told her I am not going to repeat the word now.

Cllr Dodds and her agreed money should not be paid to a private company the last time the Council
took part they paid and only put on a band they had already paid for in 2009

The attendance was no greater than a normal Sunday band event.

To consider the following applications received to date and to make recommendations
or observations thereon to Rutland County Council:

(i) APP/2011/0864/PG (PTA) Mr Christopher Cockerill
Fell 1 No. Lime Tree
4 Oakfield

Approved by councillors

(ii) APP/2012/0055/APB (PTA) Mr David Jones
Cut back lower limbs of No. 1 Ash tree to give 6ft clearance of house, and reduce higher
limb by 50%
51 Stamford Road

Approved by councillors

(iii) APP/2012/0053/APB Mr Karl Girling
Crown lift and prune 1 No. Horse Chestnut to give clearance to building and
neighbouring property
2 Oakfield

Approved by councillors

(iv) APP/2011/0929/NT (FUL) RPC Containers Ltd
Change of use of existing warehouse from storage to use as a production hall
Schofield Road

The clerk said he was aware of three public objections
All related to extra traffic and noise.

Cllr Haworth said there would be no difference RPC are already a 24hr business

Approved by councillors

(v) APP/2011/0953/NT (COU) Howlett Hygienic Supplies Ltd
Retrospective application for change of use of Unit 6 from B1 to B2 to carry out the
trade of car maintenance and repairs

Groans as the word retrospective were mentioned
Approved by councillors

Unit 6 Station Approach Industrial Estate Station Approach
(vi) APP/2012/0034/APB (HSE) Mr Charles Jefferson
Construction of two storey extension to side (south) elevation of dwellinghouse, and
demolition and reconstruction of outbuilding to rear (west) of dwellinghouse, including
construction of single storey link between the house and outbuilding
11 Finkey Street

Cllr Nowell Finkey Street was nice

Cllr Dodds raised the question of the impact this would have on the conservation area.

Cllr Haworth said many years ago Finkey Street was lined with thatched cottages like
Hudson's House and it has now been ruined.

Approved by councillors

(vii) APP/2012/0011/APB (FUL) Hawksmead Ltd
Outline application for a new petrol filing station, car wash, sales building (200 s q.
meters), vehicular access and access road

Cllr Lucas said we all need a petrol station out of town.

Approved by councillors

Hackamore Way Barleythorpe was a greater concern to some Councillors who required an explanation
They were reminded the site was previously the home the Stud

Cllr Dodds felt the Road Should be renamed 'Hack No More'

(viii) APP/2012/0045/EZE (ADV) Wilkinson Group
Replacement of existing advertisement signs to include: installation of 1 No. illuminated
projecting sign, 4 No. illuminated fascia signs, 2 No. non-illuminated fascia signs and 8
No. non-illuminated notice signs
2 Westgate

Approved by councillors with the additional requirement the sign lights, should be turned of when the store is closed.

(ix) APP/2012/0060/PG (HSE) Mr and Mrs Derry
Construction of two storey extension to side (west) and single storey extension to rear
(north) of dwellinghouse, with various related alterations to existing house and
demolition of existing detached garage
25 Harrington Way

Not approved

(x) APP/2012/0074/EZE (HSE) Mr Mark Pell
Construction of first floor extension to side (southeast) elevation of dwelling, above
existing ground floor accommodation
99 Welland Way

The Clerk said he did not know where to start with this application.
At points he could not contain his feelings.
He felt it was strange once again he returns to expressing his opinions at
planning meetings.

Cllr Haworth said surely we can not reject a application because it is odd?

Cllr Lowe said it was a good use of space.

Councillor wanting to go home quickly approved the application
The meeting had already been extended once.

(xi) APP/2012/0062/NT (ADV) Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
Installation of 1 No. Flagpole, 1 No. fascia sign and 1 No. freestanding corner sign
Fire Station 33 South Street
(xii) APP/2012/0071/NT (FUL) Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
Construction of new two storey training building plus two storey extension providing
living accommodation to the rear (South west) elevation of main building, following
demolition of existing training building on same site; construction of new store and
garage building in yard area following demolition of existing store building; installation
of new diesel tank and pump facility; and general refurbishment of main building
Fire Station 33 South Street

The Clerk watching the Clock and having computer problems manage to swiftly
get through the presentation.

Cllr Nowel said he sat at the crossing and a fire engine had to wait 8 minutes to
get out of the town and was concerned for the Fire Service Response Time

Cllr Lucas said they should move to the bypass and along the police and ambulance
service, suggesting the police should have a little office in town.

(Of course this would not resolve the issuer of the crossing if the were needed inside
the town.)

Councillors decided not to object and jokingly hope there was not going to be any floodlights
erected to illuminate the proposed new flag pole.