Saturday, March 31, 2012

Captions for Oakham Mayor Councillor Lucas Civic Service

Captions for Oakham Mayor Councillor Lucas Civic Service

Allthough the photographer has given consent for me to use a preview photo image links to any of his photos. I won't use them due to the Tory who lied to Google, when I previously use one.

If you click on the text link you can see the photo


My husband also wears a different hat, one for each day of the week, Town Partnership, Councillor, Community Partnership.... oh so many, he's hoping they will make him a special one when he is Mayor. Of course if you're husband is made Mayor you will have to lend him yours, co-opted Councillors can not be paid allowances. Maybe one of the two lodges will lend him some cash?


Oh Boyz! I do luv a little Lard in my pie, How about you boy? Not really old chap I'm a diet fanatic.


Cheers to all the tax payer who contributed to this evenings civic party! Cheers!


My Town, My County OMG! what have I done to it?


Oakham Mayor  slices and divides the Town Council Cake.