Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Coalition For Equal Marriage @c4equalmarriage Don't Let Bigotry Stop Two People In Love* Getting Married

Don't Let Bigotry Stop Two People In Love* Getting Married
Get Involved
* Obviously that means two consenting adults, but woah, there are some particularly nasty 
types suggesting otherwise on Twitter...

37,666 People Have Signed
The Petition So Far

  • Marriage Is Unique

    On this one point we agree. Marriage is unique. It is a union of two people in love, for life,
    to the exclusion of all others. A commitment upon which one can build a home and a family.
    We just think it should be available to all who want that commitment.
  • Be Glad of Redefinition

    Marriage has not remained unchanged since the dawn of time. It has changed throughout history,
    adapting to each culture. In western culture it has more recently undergone changes to better protect
    the rights of women. Funnily enough, the Church of England (of which Lord Carey was head of as
    Archbishop of Canterbury) introduced divorce into marriage in the UK when it broke from the papacy.
    Divorce is the antithesis of marriage and the biggest change to the definition of marriage since its
    inception. Marriage changes all the time, and the churches themselves have been doing it.
    It isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • Great Consequences

    If marriage is redefined (again), those who believe in the modern definition of "traditional" marriage
    the sun will keep shining, and toast will still have a tendency to land butter-side-down.
    Couples seeking to adopt or foster will still be assessed based on the needs of the child,
    as they should be. Also, if we're very lucky, schools might teach kids not to be massive bigots
     like their parents, and we'll be one step closer to a cohesive, mature, civilised society.
  • Speak Up

    We agree with C4M; people should not feel pressurised to go along with same sex marriage
    just because of political correctness. Take Ben Summerskill's advice: If you're against
    same-sex marriage you should marry someone of the opposite sex.
    The government will be launching a public consultation on proposals to bring in full marriage equality.
     This will provide an opportunity for members of the public to make their views known.


Please note that Martin Brookes is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Sign The Petition

This petition is restricted to UK residents who are aged 16 and over.

Email Your MP
Use this simple online form to find and email your local MP.
A draft is ready and waiting for you to send.
Email Your MP
Let the Government know your views on the proposals and how they could be made better.
The process is quick, can be completed online and is vitally important to the campaign.
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