Monday, March 19, 2012

Fitness Fanatics (Oakham Fitness Centre) 2 Princess Avenue, Oakham LE15 6PQ To Close

Fitness Fanatics (Oakham Fitness Centre) 2 Princess Avenue, Oakham LE15 6PQ

After a long period of time Oakham Fitness Centre should be vacating the publicly owned property in Princess Avenue.

The Town Clerk said the Council should take a Christian attitude towards the issue.

During the process the Councils Solicitor resigned due to the Clerk comments.

For a period of time he would not accept or denied, the current tenant was a sub tenant and therefore had little 
or no rights.

At last weeks Council meeting he announced the current tenant would be expected to vacate the premises and
return the keys to the office.

I would say the tax payer would then see a new tenant move in and pay a decent market rent. After a long period of very low income. The rent was set at peanuts by former Councillor in the same way the Tennis and Bowls Club was.

It appears the property is not going to be on the open market and discussions have gone ahead with people who have approached the Clerk and the figure for the rent is lower than that quoted by a local surveyor. 

Of course the rent is much higher than the current rent, I think the property, should be put on the open market so it can gain maximum income to recoup the losses of the previous years.

Council paid a large sum of money to a local surveyor to tell them the building was not suitable for them to move into. The cost of conversion would probably go down to well with the tax payer.

If explained correctly, I don't think the tax payer would mind. The council currently pays over £10,000 a year for space a Victoria Hall, I am sure its contribution to the gas bill and electric funds most of the halls use and heating the high street at the same time. 

I believe the figure for renovation of the Princess Avenue property would be around £30,000

At the last meeting the Clerk said it is highly likely the Council will have to spend a very large sum just to bring the premise up to a standard to re-let and Councillor should prepare themselves for the figure.

I don't see a figure in the budget for this work, maybe the council should consider selling on the open market rather than letting.