Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Holy Week & Easter All Saint's Church Oakham Rutland 2012

 Holy Week

Palm Sunday 1st April
Liturgy of Palms
at Oakham

6pm Ecumenical Sevice
at Langham

other services in villages

Monday 2nd April
7.30pm Compline
at Brooke
Rev Hildred Crowther

Tuesday 3rd April
7.30pm Compline
at Teigh
Rev. Janet Tebby

Wednesday 4th April
7.30pm Compline
at Braunston
Rev. Audrey Atkinson

Maundy Thursday 5th April  

'At the Last Supper Jesus washed his
disciples' feet and gave us Holy 
Communion. We share his abandonment
in the garden'

7.30pm Liturgy, The Washing of Feet and
Watch until midnight at All Saint's Oakham.

Preacher: Rev Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani.

Good Friday 6th April 

9.00am Morning Prayer at Brooke

10.00am Litany St John & St Anne

10.30am Walk of witness
Meet at St John & St Anne

12 noon - 3pm Liturgy & Addresses
All Saints Church Oakham Led by The Rector

Easter Day 8th April
5.15am Vigil, First Communion of Easter
followed by Breakfast at Hableton

8.00am Holy Communion
All Saint's Church Oakham

10.30am Parish Commuion
All Saint's Church Oakham

6.00pm Evensong
All Saint's Church Oakham

Team Contacts

Team Rector: Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani  01572 722108

Team Vicars: Rev. Audrey Atkinson  01572 723154

Rev Janet Tebby 01664 474096

Team Assistant Priest: Rev. Hildred Crowther 01572 767779

Team Office: Monday - Friday 9am -1pm  01572 724007
