Monday, March 05, 2012

Leicestershire Constabulary Rutland Church Watch All Saint's Church Oakham

Leicestershire Constabulary Rutland Church Watch All Saint's Church Oakham

Today All Saint's Church Oakham installed new brighter flood lights, illuminating the exterior of this fine building. Hopefully this will deter any precious metal collectors from visiting our church.

It's a sorry site when I visit a church and see the church full of buckets because the roofs been stolen and then
to be told Ecclesiastic Insurance is no longer paying full claims. Depsite the millions churches have given them over the years. 

When I was employed by a London Church, I would send a cheque each year for £10,000 just for public liability insurance, so the church could remain open to the visiting public. In the six years I was am aware of no claim was ever made. That was about 8 years ago so goodness knows what the churches are paying now.
I thought Insurance companies did not pay up when it was deemed an act of God, I wonder what excuse they are using not to pay the full cost of replacement.