Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oakham Town Council Feast

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This week Oakham's Mayor Councillor Lucas announced she had enjoyed a dinner with her fellow councillors. Plenty of good food and drink.

She was very determined to announce the public had not paid  for the feast and each councillor had a designated driver.

She ended by rather firmly announcing it will happen again! Councillors sat it silence, none showing outward signs of enthusiasm to repeat such a gathering.

Afterwards this outburst was described as possibly guilt? for past antics carried out by this council.

To be honest I don't think the public needs to be told when our Town Councillors go out on a jolly if they are paying out of their own pocket, we endured the same sort of story at the parish carol service, they had  held a private lock in at the council chamber. The Mayor described it as being similar to an event at her local church. Bring & Share. Most of us would call it bring a bottle.