Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oakham Town Council is proposing to re-develop the Toddlers' Play Area at Royce's Playing Field on Princess Avenue at a cost of £5000


Oakham Town Council is proposing to re-develop the Toddlers' Play Area at Royce's Playing Field on Princess Avenue at a cost of £50000

A number of designs have been put forward by play equipment manufacturers and these are available to view in the Council Chamber at the Victoria Hall. Children, parents, carers, residents and any others interested are invited to come along during the normal office opening hours of 10.00am to 2.00pm, Monday to Thursday to look at the proposed designs.
Comments slips will  be provided which will help the Council in its decision on which design to choose.

Those coming along will also be asked to comment on the intention of the Council to fund the work by borrowing £50000 from the Public Works Loan Board which offers loans to Local Authorities at preferential rates. This will be over a ten year period at an annual cost of £5600.
The Council will be showing the designs at Royce's Playing Field on Saturday 14th April from 10.00am to 2.00pm and will also be seeking permission to take them to primary schools and nurseries in Oakham.

If anyone would like to view the designs outside of the times stated above then they are asked to contact the Town Council offices on 01572 723627 or 

e-mailenquiries@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk so that alternative arrangements can be made.

The consultation will run until April 27th.