Thursday, March 01, 2012

Rutland Local Development Framework Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document 2012

Rutland Local Development Framework
Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document

Following public consultation in September – November 2011, the Council has published a summary of responses to the Issues and Options version of its Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD).

The purpose of the DPD is to identify specific sites to be allocated for housing and other types of development and also to set out detailed planning policies for determining planning applications in Rutland.

In total about 950 responses were received and the main issues raised are included in the summary of responses document, together with maps showing a number of new development sites, changes to the important open spaces, town centre and Rutland Water Area boundaries put forward by developers/landowners and other parties.

The next stage in the process is for the Council to assess the responses and to carry out a technical assessment of the existing and new sites put forward before publishing a preferred list of sites and policies as part of the Preferred Options version of the DPD by September/October 2012.

It should be noted that only a small proportion of the sites that have been put forward will be needed to meet the County’s future development requirements over the next 15 years. The Preferred Options consultation will provide an opportunity to submit any comments to the Council on the sites and policies being proposed.

A copy of the summary of response document can be viewed on the Council website at www.rutland.gov.uk/siteallocations.  The document can also be inspected at the Rutland County Council Offices in Oakham and at libraries in Oakham, Uppingham, Ketton and Ryhall during normal opening hours.

For further information, please contact the Planning Policy section by email at LDF@rutland.gov.uk or telephone number 01572 722577.

David Troy
Planning Policy Manager