Friday, April 27, 2012

Preventing Thefts from Motor vehicles in Rutland LSTO 7347 Jon Gower Oakham Police Station

Preventing Thefts from Motor vehicles in Rutland

As we enter summertime can we make everyone aware of the threat of thefts from motor vehicles when leaving your vehicle unattended whilst out for a walk.

Last year during the summer months in Rutland we saw an increase in the amount of thefts from motor vehicles where property had been left in full view within the vehicle.

Please remember to remove all items from your vehicle and please do not leave any items in the boot of your vehicle as thieves do have tendency to break into a vehicle when nothing is showing and pull down the rear seat, to view the boot area.

A simple message to yourself is ‘If you do not need it, do not take it’.

If you see anybody or anything acting suspicious please call Leicestershire & Rutland Constabulary on 101.

Calls to 101 cost 15p for the entire call from both mobiles and land lines.

LSTO 7347 Jon Gower

Oakham Police Station