Friday, June 29, 2012

The Answer For Leicestershire Constabulary

Many regular visitors to my site will know I rather unpleasantly treated by Leicestershire Constabulary due to the actions of some rather dim ex and present councillors.

During the police interrogation I was asked "why do you Blog?" "Why Do You Take Photographs?"

I don't remember the exact answer I gave them.

But for the main reason I take take photographs is to share some enjoyment 
with others, It cost nothing.

It appears to upset a few control freaks connected to local governance.

After my experience the only reason I can give for that is they are nasty vindictive people.

I was pleased to be contacted by one of the bands who performed at Oakham
Festival who have requested to use my photographs on their sites. 

As my photography is my hobby I don't charge for the use despite often stating this the DWP often receive ridiculous letters from idiots claiming I sell my images?

Govannen @ Oakham Festival - June 2012 - thanks to Martin Brookes for the photos - visit his blog page for more photos
Govannen @ Oakham Festival .Govannen @ Oakham Festival
Govannen @ Oakham Festival .. Chris Conway Oakham Festival

Govannen News
24th June 2012
govannen @ oakham festival
Govannen @ Oakham Festival
Govannen opened for The Houndogs at Oakham Festival in June. The weather did not deter festival goers from joining in a ceilidh dance...
Govannen @ Oakham Festival .Govannen @ Oakham Festival
See the great photos by Martine Brookes (down the page) on his blog.