Thursday, September 06, 2012

A Beating Retreat Oakham 2012, ABF The Soldiers Charity, Oakham Market Place, Oakham, Rutland

A Beating Retreat, ABF The Soldiers Charity, Oakham Market Place, Oakham, Rutland
ABF The Soldiers Charity
for Soldiers for life

photograph Lady Gretton 2010

The President Jennifer, Lady Gretton JP  
and members of the Leicestershire and Rutland Committee of
ABF The Soldiers' Charity www.soldierscharity.org will be present
at Oakham Market Place on Wednesday 12th September 2012 6.30pm

Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, (centre will be taking the salute. Also in photo above Alan Duncan MP, Minister of State for International Development, 
MP for Rutland and Melton and  Oakham Town Councillor John Nowell

After this event there is a reception in Oakham Castle.

If you have a lounge suit and a spare £25 to support this cause,
"a good cause I believe the government should support"

If you only attend the market place event please don't forget to place your donation in one of the many buckets. 

The event is being held in aid of

ABF The Soldiers' Charity
which gives lifetime support to serving and retired soldiers and their families.
Registered Charity No. 211645

Admission to the Castle Reception is by ticket at £25.00 each

The price of the ticket includes Reception Drinks,
Canapes with wine and soft drinks.

For further information or if you want to become a Community Fundraiser
or to help raise funds in any way please contact

Lt Col Jack Tarr OBE - Tel: 01159572103 - Email: eastmidlands@soldierscharity.org