Friday, November 16, 2012

Jane Kennedy, Police and Crime Commissioner, Merseyside

Jane Image
ballot logo (labour)
Labour Party Candidate
Force area:

Jane Kennedy

Election statement:
This is an important election to decide who will hold the Police to account and decide
their priorities. The Police are facing massive cuts to their budget from the Tory/Lib
Dem Government. By next April there will be 600 fewer police officers working on
Merseyside as a result.
If you vote Labour, Jane will: -
  • Stand up for our communities against the Tory/Lib Dem cuts to policing 
  • and the loss of over 600 police officers in Merseyside.
  • Keep police and PCSOs on the beat with neighbourhood policing, 
  • not hand it over to private companies.
  • Target gun, gang and violent crime as a top priority.
  • Back a strong and swift response to anti-social behaviour.
  • Forge better co-operation between the police and other agencies who 
  • share the responsibility for delivering safer communities.
Jane has vast experience and has both the skills and determination to be a successful
Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside:
  • Jane was Britain’s first woman Security Minister with responsibility for 
  • Policing in Northern Ireland.
  • Jane was the first woman ever to hold Ministerial office in the Lord 
  • Chancellor’s department with responsibility for magistrates, the judiciary 
  • and family law policy.
  • Jane has been a Member of Parliament in Merseyside from 1992-2010 and 
  • has the experience to fight for local communities in the county.
  • Jane was a Government Minister from 1997-2010 serving in six departments 
  • so she is experienced in administration.
Jane is committed to achieving the best for Merseyside Police and the communities
they serve.
Merseyside needs a plan to cut crime, not the police and help her to do that by
supporting ane Kennedy on the 15th November.
Contact Details:
Website: www.janekennedy.info
Email: jane4merseypcc@gmail.com
Promoted by Barrie Grunewald on behalf of Jane Kennedy at 108 Prescot Road,
Liverpool, L7 0JA