Showing posts with label Merseyside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merseyside. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2012

Jane Kennedy, Police and Crime Commissioner, Merseyside

Jane Image
ballot logo (labour)
Labour Party Candidate
Force area:

Jane Kennedy

Election statement:
This is an important election to decide who will hold the Police to account and decide
their priorities. The Police are facing massive cuts to their budget from the Tory/Lib
Dem Government. By next April there will be 600 fewer police officers working on
Merseyside as a result.
If you vote Labour, Jane will: -
  • Stand up for our communities against the Tory/Lib Dem cuts to policing 
  • and the loss of over 600 police officers in Merseyside.
  • Keep police and PCSOs on the beat with neighbourhood policing, 
  • not hand it over to private companies.
  • Target gun, gang and violent crime as a top priority.
  • Back a strong and swift response to anti-social behaviour.
  • Forge better co-operation between the police and other agencies who 
  • share the responsibility for delivering safer communities.
Jane has vast experience and has both the skills and determination to be a successful
Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside:
  • Jane was Britain’s first woman Security Minister with responsibility for 
  • Policing in Northern Ireland.
  • Jane was the first woman ever to hold Ministerial office in the Lord 
  • Chancellor’s department with responsibility for magistrates, the judiciary 
  • and family law policy.
  • Jane has been a Member of Parliament in Merseyside from 1992-2010 and 
  • has the experience to fight for local communities in the county.
  • Jane was a Government Minister from 1997-2010 serving in six departments 
  • so she is experienced in administration.
Jane is committed to achieving the best for Merseyside Police and the communities
they serve.
Merseyside needs a plan to cut crime, not the police and help her to do that by
supporting ane Kennedy on the 15th November.
Contact Details:
Website: www.janekennedy.info
Email: jane4merseypcc@gmail.com
Promoted by Barrie Grunewald on behalf of Jane Kennedy at 108 Prescot Road,
Liverpool, L7 0JA