Monday, March 11, 2013

Everards Brewery, Closing, Horseshoe Pub, Oakham, Rutland, Manger to run Wheatsheaf

Everards Brewery are planning to convert The Horseshoe pub in Braunston Road, Oakham, into a shop.

The firm says the pub is “no longer viable” because of falling trade in recent years.

The company says it is the process of notifying people living nearby of its proposals and says it will make a planning application in the next few weeks.

The company recently withdrew an application which was described as an extension, the plans contained
many modifications you would expect to see for a building that is to be used by a small supermarket.
Many residents sent their objections to Rutland County Council.

The Horse Shoe Pub  was first owned by Ruddles Brewery.

The manager of the Horse Shoe Pub is to take over the running of the Wheatsheaf, Northgate, Oakham.