Friday, May 17, 2013

oakham town council election rutland county council democratic services

Some time has passed since I handed a residents letter to Rutland County Council.

Democratic services  have not acknowledged the letter. They have also failed to respond to a rutland county councillors request.

I decided to telephone the reception at rutland county council this morning.

no easy task. the nice lady repeatedly telling me that my call is important. I decided  to take a shower and make a coffee.

when my call was finally answered I asked clearly to speek to democratic services. the call handler clearly has the same problem as the voice recognition on this phone because I was transferred to the chief executive office. I told the chief executive of it I wanted democratic services I was then transferred to kate haworth a person I don't really want to speak to due to her dishonest response last time involving the police and my visits to rutland county council.

I never got to speak to democratic services so I do not know if the letter from oakham residents calling for an oakham town council election has been accepted.

that is democracy in rutland!